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How to find the perfect venue for your next event

Is there such thing as a perfect venue for an event?  Is it the stuff of dreams or can it be a reality?

Here at Sheer Edge, we are self-confessed venue geeks, making it our business to keep our finger on the pulse of what venues have to offer, who’s had refurbs, which new venues are launching, what locations, you name it, we make sure we are at the forefront of any new and existing venue developments.

So, back to what you’re here for. How to find the perfect venue for your next event.

From our perspective, there is a set criteria for ensuring we find the perfect venue for our client’s events.  So, here’s top 10 tips for you to consider when you’re planning your next event.

Carden park spa entrance

  1. Timeline for your event – It may seem like a given but ensuring that you give yourself sufficient time to source the venue prior to the event is imperative for your events success. We would not suggest promoting your event before you have a venue!
  2.  Style of event – you need to make sure the venue style fits with the style of your event/what you want your attendees to feel when they walk through the door will be heavily influenced by the venue and how they support you to deliver the event
  3.  Size of venue – do you require AV/production, make sure you factor this into your planning many fall short in this consideration and the venue ends up not being big enough
  4. Budget – Again as much as it pains us to state this, you need to be clear about what budget you have for your event, not just the venue but the catering, room hire, entertainment, AV/production. Depending on the size of your event and what you want to achieve will have a factor in the budget.
  5.  Location – Do you need your event to be off the beaten track (this works well for retreats and experiences that require focus on the event in hand such as leadership conferences). However, you may require your event to be within a city and close to all road/rail/airlinks.
  6.  Catering – Can the venue accommodate all dietary requirements including vegan/plant-based food?
  7.  Sustainability –  Ensure that the venue follows sustainable practises, such as reducing carbon emissions and becoming more environmentally friendly, adopting paperless workplaces, eco-friendly lighting, natural ventilation, and sourcing locally. Other suggestions include minimising food and beverage packaging.
  8. Wyboston Board Meeting

  9.  Hidden costs –  With how much you’re already spending, you’d think there wouldn’t be any hidden costs, but there are! Speakers and entertainment might be large or little charges depending on the situation, as can employees, technology costs, promotional costs, an emergency fund, and food costs.
  10. Catering options with Vue Entertainment

  11.  Timings of the event – Depending on when you expect to set up and break down your event, it is important to ensure that no assumptions are made about how late your event can go on. This is especially important if you are looking at holding an awards ceremony, dinner and entertainment which are usually likely to go on until midnight or over. In addition, there maybe additional set up or de-rig charges its always best to check.
  12.  Venue support team – it’s important to make sure that you have a support team to help you deliver the event usually a venue will allocate an event manager or food and beverage manager, it’s important you meet/chat with them prior to the event to make sure they are aware of how you want the event to be delivered and the running order.

Finding the right venue can be tricky, it can take a lot of time to source the right options and know the detail.

If you would like an extra pair of hands, we have over two decades of experience in the events industry both venue side and as Sheer Edge, we know what it takes to run exceptional events and work with you to ensure you secure the perfect venue and a fantastic event experience that your attendees will talk about for years to come!

Still feel like you could do with a sounding board or extra pair of hands to make your event run seamlessly. We are here to help support you every step of the way, get in touch: or call us 0330 223 3176

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